Framed horseshoes

Please see some example photographs of previous framed horseshoe designs that we have completed. Layouts can be completly bespoke and there are a large variety of crystal & glitter colours that can be chosen.

Polished horseshoe with wear, calligraphy style decal above, photo to the right side, plaited hair and silver engraved plaque. Set in a handmade black frame.

Polished horseshoe with wear, part tanzanite crystals over nail holes, photo to the right, silver engraved plaque. Set in a handmade wooden frame. 

Mirrored finish polished horseshoe with copper nails, photo to the right, calligraphy style decal set above, plaited hair and silver engraved plaque. Set in a handmade black frame.

Chrome plated horseshoe with full pink ombre Precosia crystals, plaited hair secured with pink ribbon, photo to the right and engraved silver heart plaque below. Set in a black handmade frame.

Chrome plated shoe with full silver/grey/black ombre Precosia crystals, plaited hair, photo to the right. Calligraphy decal set above, engraved silver plaque below. Set in a black handmade frame.

Copper plated horseshoe, set with red, silver (white) & blue Precosia crystals set over the nail holes. Brass plaque set below. Secured in a handmade white frame.

Mirrored finished polished horseshoe, calligraphy decal quote set above, photo to the right, plaited hair set below alongside a calligraphy decal. Set in a handmade large black frame.

Copper plated horseshoe, set with silver Precosia crystals over nail holes, copper heart set below and a decal set above. Set in a handmade white frame.

Chrome plated horseshoe, with calligraphy style decal below, photo to the right and a 'clover' decal in the centre of the shoe. Set in a handmade black frame.

Chrome plated horseshoes, interlinked with a photo to the right, silver engraved plaque below. Set in a large handmade silver frame.

Two mirrored finish polished horseshoes, tanzanite Precosia crystals over nail holes, calligraphy style decal. Set in a handmade black frame.

Interlinked copper & chome plated shoes, with contrasting copper & polished silver nails, with a calligraphy decal set above and a silver engraved plaque below. Set in a handmade black frame.

Mirrored finish polished horseshoe, interlinked and set with copper nails. Engraved silver plaque below and set in a handmade black frame. 

Two chrome plated horseshoes, set side-by-side with full silver Precosia crystals, calligraphy style decal below. Set in a large black handmade frame.

Mirrored finish polished horseshoes interlinked with full pink ombre Precosia crystals, photo to the right, calligraphy style decal set above, plaited hair and silver engraved plaque below. Set in a handmade large black frame.

Two chrome plated horseshoes interlinked with part red & violet Precosia offset crystals, two photos set either side. A silver engraved plaque below. Set in a large black handmade frame.

Chrome  & copper plated shoe set side-by-side with contrasting polished silver nails & copper nails. Engraved gold plaque below, set in a black handmade frame.

Two chrome plated horseshoes, set side-by-side with full silver Precosia crystals. Photo set in the centre, plaited hair below and a silver engraved plaque. Secured in a large handmade black frame.

Chrome & copper plated shoe, interlinked with plaited hair in the grooves with part silver crystals at either end. Photo to the right and a calligraphy style decal above. Silver engraved plaque and a plaited hair tied into a bow. Set in a handmade large white frame.

Chrome plated horseshoes set side-by-side with full silver & light blue sapphire Precosia crystals set alternated. Calligraphy style decal below. Set in a handmade white frame.

Two polished horseshoes with wear, one set with silver Precosia crystals over the nail holes and one set with copper nails. A gold plaque set above and two below.  Set in a large handmade black frame.

Chrome plated horseshoes, interlinked with silver Precosia crystals over nail holes, plaited hair below. Silver engraved plaque. Set in a handmade black frame.

Two chromed horseshoes, set side-by-side with plaited hair in the grooves, part silver Precosia crystals set at either end, calligraphy style decal. Set in a handmade black frame.

Chrome plated horseshoe set with full silver & light blue sapphire crystals, browband set above, photo set to the right. Plaited hair below with a silver engraved plaque. Set in a large handmade black frame.